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How many mountains have you climbed? The question is no longer a strange thing to be asked. 

Mountain climbing is now one of the holiday activities that is increasingly popular, especially among young people. Are you also included? Not only will it be spoiled with its amazing natural panorama, climbing mountains is also believed to be able to form a stronger physical and mental life. Well, if you are just going to intend to make a hiking trip, you should choose a mountain with an altitude below 3,000 meters above sea level (masl) and have a hiking trail that is not too steep.

Here are 10 mountain recommendations for beginner climbers in Indonesia that you can make references.

10. Mount Penanggungan, Mojokerto (1,653 masl)

Mountain in East Java is known by climbers as a miniature of Mount Semeru. This is because the top of the mountain in the form of barren plains. The recommended route for novice climbers who want to get to the top of Mount Penanggungan is the Tamiajeng Trail in Trawas, Mojokerto.

It takes at least four hours from the Tamiajeng Line post to reach the top. If you are not able to climb continuously, you can camp on the Shadow Peak and continue your journey to the true mountain peak after resting. The view at the summit will certainly be an irreplaceable gift.

9. Mount Sibayak, Karo (2,094 masl)

Who says volcanoes are only for experienced climbers? Mount Sibayak is one of the active volcanoes in the Karo Plateau region of North Sumatra. Through the Spirit Mountain Village path you can find a relatively easy hiking trail you know.

The typical view of the volcano with rock and active craters is the main attraction of Mount Sibayak. The view of the sunrise is also one of the important agenda that you should not miss. Interested in setting foot on Mount Sibayak?

8. Mount Batur, Bali (1,717 masl)

Although classified as quite high, but Mount Batur, including friendly for novice climbers you know. However, make sure you have good physical condition before climbing. At least it took two hours to reach the top of Mount Batur.

The beauty of the vast kalderanya and verdant meadows became the main attraction of the climbers who stopped by here. Besides that, you can also camp out on the shores of Lake Batur while stargazing the enchanting night sky of the Island of the Gods.

7. Mount Ijen, Banyuwangi (2,779 masl)

With a wide and not too steep climb, Mount Ijen is one of the favorite mountains of novice climbers. To get to the top, you need a minimum of three hours of climbing.

With altitudes approaching 3,000 meters above sea level, the view above the peak at sunrise is spectacular. Not to mention the legendary blue fire phenomenon in Ijen Crater. At least, once in a lifetime it's really mandatory to set foot on the summit of Mount Ijen.

6. Gunung Andong, Magelang (1,463 masl)

Not far from Jogja, you can continue your trek to Magelang and climb to the top of Andong Mountain. Andong Mountain has clear paths and signs. So you don't need to be afraid of getting lost. By walking you can reach the top in less than two hours.

The uniqueness of Andong Mountain is seen from the peak that resembles a camel hump. If you dare you can spur adrenaline by passing the camel hump through a narrow footpath flanked by a cliff. Guaranteed to be an exciting and thrilling experience.

5. Mount Papandayan, Garut (2,665 masl)

In addition to the sloping terrain, you will also be facilitated with all the facilities for the climbers along the hiking trail to the summit. Starting from the toilet to the food stalls above the peak you can easily find.

Although it is quite easy, the scenery offered along the hiking trail cannot be underestimated. One of them is enjoying the mystical atmosphere in the Dead Forest. Anyway, I won't regret going up Mount Papandayan.

4. Gajah Peak, Purbalingga (1,440 masl)

Gadjah Peak is part of the Pulosari Mountain, Purbalingga series located at the foot of Mount Slamet. This is where you can enjoy the panoramic golden sunrise with the awesome backdrop of Mount Sindoro.

To reach the top, you only need 30 minutes to one hour from the parking area in Karangreja Village. If you want to hunt sunrise, don't forget to use a thick jacket, because the temperature here can be very cold up to 15 degrees Celsius you know.

3. Mount Panderman, Batu (2,045 masl)

Even though it is above 2,000 meters above sea level, the hiking trail of Mount Panderman is practically relaxing and fun. There are no significant obstacles to climb the peak. I was so relaxed, you could even forget if you were climbing a mountain.

Climbing Mount Panderman is perfect for you who want to train physical endurance during climbing. Along the way you will also be treated to a beautiful view of Batu City along with the green landscape of the surrounding mountains. So beautiful!

2. Gunung Besek, Wonogiri (850 masl)

The mountain located on the border of Wonogiri and Pacitan is indeed not widely known by tourists. To get to the top, you need to trek through the woods and hillsides.

But take it easy, there is parking available as far as 15 minutes from the summit. Very easy, right? With the arrangement of large rocks at the top, climbing Mount Besek will be an unforgettable experience.

1. Mount Nglanggeran, Jogja (700 masl)

Yogyakarta can be a fun city for your first climb. Located in Gunung Kidul, Mount Nglanggeran has an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. Low enough right? In less than an hour you can reach its peak and enjoy Jogja from a different side.

Sloping paths and stone walkways make climbing on Mount Nglanggeran easier and more enjoyable. Come on, vacation to Jogja and try to climb Mount Nglanggeran!

Well, hopefully the 10 mountain recommendations above can be a reference for your next climb. Even though you are in the beginner category, you should always do physical, mental preparation and bring appropriate hiking equipment. Don't forget to take your trash home and put safety first before pleasure. Happy climbing!